A Horse Book

If you read my blog (as infrequently updated though it be), this post is preaching to the choir . . . but sometimes even the choir appreciates affirmation. I am reading Donalyn Miller's The Book Whisperer. Every librarian, every English teacher, every parent should have this book tucked into their brain. Miller's message is basically this: kids need to read. She has ideas for teachers about how to create readers (even with kiddos who may dislike/struggle with reading) as well as a book list (yay!). Confession: I went through and counted how many of her picks I've read. The number was not insignificant--nearly every book she listed is one I've handed to customers or recommended to students, blogged about, or would put on a to-read list.

Finally, if you are looking for a book on friendship, determination, humanity and equality--plus a solid history lesson (not to mention stunning artwork), add this book to your shopping list or library queue:

Step Right Up: How Doc and Jim Key Taught the World About Kindness by Donna Janell Bowman, illustrated (masterfully) by Daniel Minter.

Did I mention it is also the story of a horse who could add and spell? But whether or not you believe in Jim Key's talents is irrelevant against the bigger picture. It's an amazing story and a look at post-Civil War life.

Ok, go read!


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